Personal Trainer, Personal training secrets

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Washboard abdominals

I'm trying to get washboard abdominals, and even though I’m in the gym two hours a day, nothing seems to work. I work out an hour with weights and do an hour of cardio. What do I need to do to get washboard abs?
Searching for results. Thank you.
This is a frequently asked question that must be broken up into several parts to be correctly and completely answered. The process of achieving washboard abs includes three components:
s Weight Training
s Cardiovascular Program
s Eating the Right Foods
You must incorporate all three of these items, otherwise all your hard work will never add up to washboard abs.
Weight Training
One of the most efficient weight training programs for burning fat is high-intensity and uses heavy weights: perform about 6 reps each of 6 compound exercises in a circuit, with as much weight as you can handle. A circuit means you move from one exercise to the next as quickly as possible, without resting. Performing 5 to 6 sets of compound exercises with no rest will quickly raise your body temperature and melt the fat off your body.
To put this in perspective, you should be able to complete this entire program in about 20-35 minutes of actual lifting.
In the beginning, though, you might find that you need to take a breather between or towards the end of a set.
Always begin this routine with a warm-up, and make sure you are able to go to the maximum weight right away. Start with a warm-up set using lighter weights. Do not include the warm-up set as part of your 6 sets. This routine is not recommended for beginners — do not start this program if you haven’t first built a foundation with weight training. This is an advanced program, and if you are not conditioned for this workout, you can get light-headed and perhaps even lose your lunch the first couple times you perform this routine.
One extremely important note: I can't stress enough how important proper alignment and posture are in weight training. Every exercise and every set should only be performed with perfect posture and alignment.
Cardio Program
The most effective fat-burning cardio routine is interval training. This is a combination of high-intensity and low-intensity workloads. One example would be sprinting. Do a 45-second sprint, then rest for about 2 minutes, then repeat. You may need to rest more or less than 2 minutes, depending on your recovery time. The faster you recover, the faster you start sprinting again.
As with any exercise, warm up beforehand. This is an advanced program, and I would not suggest starting it without having built a solid foundation. Perform the sprints at a maximum intensity, followed by a period of rest. You can perform sprints on any piece of equipment, such as bikes, treadmills, stair-steppers, elliptical — and, of course, many of the same activities outside.
The longer, sustained cardio workouts, such as 30 minutes of walking or running at a consistent pace, does not elicit the same results. The fastest results are achieved through interval training. No cardio workout should ever be performed for longer than 45 minutes. Cardiovascular training lasting longer than 45 minutes may actually begin preparing your body to store more fat, as well as tapping into your protein tissue for fuel. This would not be something you’d want to happen while trying to flatten your abs.
Proper Eating
Nutrition. What an interesting subject.
No carbohydrates. More carbohydrates. High-fat diets. Well, what really works?
Honestly, this depends on your body’s specific biochemistry. Each of these eating plans works for certain people.
My biggest suggestion is to eat only those things for which you can understand the words on an ingredients label. If you don't know or cannot even pronounce the components in the food, don't eat it. Organic fresh food is always your best choice.
Eliminating enriched, bleached or unbleached breads, pasta and other flour sources is a huge start. Buy whole-grain breads, such as Ezekiel, Spelt, Wheat, Spiegel, etc. If you want washboard abs, eat no processed food — if your food can last in your cupboards longer than you could, don't eat it! Buy fresh meat, seafood, fruit, veggies, and drink plenty of water. If it doesn't exist on the Earth in a live state, don't consume it. Processed food was not intended for our bodies.
Eat 6-plus small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism high all day long. It also is extremely important to have protein with each meal to keep your blood sugar down and maintain your energy all day long.
Dedication to these three components is the quickest way to ensure washboard abs.
Note: This program is not intended for everyone. It is an advanced program, so it isn’t recommended if you have not already built a strong foundation. This program, like any other, will only last for a short time because our bodies adapt so quickly. You must consistently adjust your reps, sets, exercises, tempo, rest periods, and weight to progress toward obtaining washboard abs and a life full of energy and strength.


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