Personal Trainer, Personal training secrets

Sunday, April 03, 2005

lose weight and drop inches in your thighs and butt. Personal trainer talk

Can you tell me what kinds of exercises I can do to tone and shape the back part of my thighs right under my butt? I've been using one of those machines at the gym where you lay down and press (kick) back with your legs but have seen no results. What else can I do to get rid of this unwanted flab?

Ah - the mystery all women want to solve: how to lose the fat on the backs of the legs. The most important thing to remember is that you cannot tighten your legs up by doing just one exercise because there is no such thing as "spot reducing." Not necessarily the answer you want to hear if you have one problem area you'd like to target like the backs of your legs, belly, or hips. Only a combination of weight training will maximize your fat loss by burning the largest quantity of calories. You probably want to combine that with a diet that works well with your body's biochemistry, meaning you must eat very well-balanced meals every couple of hours, consuming foods that will vitalize your body and give you more energy.Each one of us is unique, both inside and out. So you must find the specific training and nutrition programs custom-made to fulfill your body's need for nourishment and exercise. No one-size-fits-all diet will work for everyone. Have you seen the millions of diet books out there are doing nothing to slim us down? Have you noticed that we, as a nation, are continuing to grow fatter and fatter?To find a program that works to meet your needs - including reducing the fat on the backs of your legs - look for a qualified personal trainer who can properly assess your body and get the relevant data to determine what will help you meet your goals as quickly and efficiently as possible. Remember, not all personal trainers are created equal, so do your research and hire the best one you can afford. You don't want to waste time and money by hiring an unqualified trainer, only to wind up not achieving the results you want. Invest with the best, because in the long run, you will see the results and know you made a good decision.

in great health and happiness

Scott White
Personal Power Training
Professional Fitness Trainer
Optimal Performance Exercise Kinesiologist480-628-1607


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